Papercut Mobility print for Mac or Windows users
Go to the Papercut Mobility Print page and click on the box "Download and run Mobility Print" under Step 1 . Leave the browser window open you will need to come back to it.

Find the file in your Downloads folder (it will be called mobility-print-client-installer-1.0.397 or similar, the version number may change) and double click on it. In the Finder window that appears double click on "PaperCut Mobility Print Client.pkg" and follow the directions to install. You will be prompted for your user login to install it, agree to the license . On Windows you will be prompted to allow it to make changes.

Now allow it to Administer the Computer. This is needed to add the printer system settings. This is only needed on the Mac

After it's done installing go back to the opened Web browser window and click on Step 2 "Connect and get my printers"
Important note! You must be connected to UAWiFi if on campus, or connected to the VPN if off campus or this will not work.
Click on Allow in the pop-up "Do you want this page to open "mobility-print-client"?" A Papercut notification "Fetching your printers" will appear momentarily. When it's done, go to System Preferences > Printers and Scanners and you should see a printer called "Ricoh-Printers [dhbprint1](Mobility)". This is the printer you will choose to print. Print as normal; when it's done, a PaperCut notification saying the job successfully printed will appear briefly.

Now you must release your print job in the paperCut web interface to actually print on the printer you want, either in Tucson or Phoenix. In a web browser, go to the College's PaperCut interface .
You must be connected via UAWiFi or the VPN, and log in with your Pharmacy username and password here.

When logged in Clock on 'Jobs Pending Release', find the document(s) you've printed, and click on '[print]'.
Now click on OK next to the printer on your campus (dhbprint1\dhb-208-Ricoh4055 if you're in Tucson, or dhbprint1\phx-bldb3-ricoh4055 for Phoenix) and the job will print on the correct copier.